Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Fast 3, Day 9, Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Weight: 209

Small uptick.  Which is interesting.  I'll explain, but first a word of warning:

THIS MIGHT BE A POST YOU WANT TO SKIP (this means I'll be talking about my poo..)

Yesterday I had two V8s for lunch.  I don't think that had anything to do with my uptick.  It's just a piece of the puzzle.  After I had two, I was *stuffed* -- like I'd eaten two plates of food at HuHot kinda "stuffed".  An hour or so later I started burping a little.  And then by 2:30, I was really, really hungry--and drinking water was just making it worse.  However, I kept drinking water.  I managed to get through my 32oz bottle before I left work.

I went to the RecPlex as soon as I got home, sat in the sauna (30 mins sauna, 15 mins cooldown in the pool with the kids, 15 mins sauna).  I drank my 31.7oz of lemon water (why do they make bottles in strange sizes?) while at the RecPlex. Total water intake for the day: 64oz (give or take)

After I got home, I made another juice.  I made a big one and shared some with two of my daughters.  I ended up having about 40-50oz of juice.

About an hour after I'd had my juice, I really had to pee.  I peed a *lot*. Then I felt an urge to do something more.  I sat down and had to push a little, but managed to get out some solid waste.  If I were eating solid food, I'd say it was a "small" amount.  However, having had *zero* food for the last 8 days, I'd say it was a lot.

I watched a movie for an hour and a half, did some other stuff, so about two hours later, I felt like I needed to use the toilet again. I peed a bunch, not quite as much as before, and then felt the urge to sit down again.  I figured it was gas or a little liquid.  Oh, no.  This was at least as much as before, if not double.  And this wasn't anything I had to push to get rid of--it came out easily.  There was a lot of liquid, and some solid.  What was strange is that some of the solid stuff *stuck to the porcelain* even after three flushes.  It had to be cleaned off the porcelain.

After all that, I was really expecting to have lost weight. In fact, as I went to bed last night, I was contemplating...  208?  207?  206?  Then to wake up and see 209...  I got on the scale three times just to see if I had a bogus reading.  209 every time.  *sigh*

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