Thursday, February 9, 2012

12 Simple Ways to Ward Off Cancer

12 Simple Ways to Ward Off Cancer

By Marisa Cohen, SELF Magazine
Sleep More
People who logged fewer than six hours a night were 50 percent more likely to develop colon cancer than those who got more than seven, a study in Cancer reports. "Sleep helps cells repair themselves," says Marisa C. Weiss, M.D., president and founder of
Run on Side Streets
The highest concentration of air pollutants is found near busy intersections and heavily trafficked streets surrounded by tall buildings, research from the University of Leeds finds. Also, check If the air-quality index score is above 150, hit the gym.
[BEN: Would it be better to run on a treadmill in a filtered-air gym?]
Eat Takeout Off Real Plates
BPA, a synthetic estrogen linked to cancer, is in many plastic food containers and can leach into your meal when the container is heated and possibly when simply exposed to hot food. Transfer your pad thai to a ceramic plate before digging in.
[BEN: How about "Avoid eating takeout"???]
Make a Date
Texting and tweeting are great but shouldn't replace actual face time. "A strong social network helps people take better care of themselves," says Alyson Moadel, Ph.D., director of the psychosocial oncology program at the Montefiore-Einstein Center for Cancer Care.
Take a Desk Break
"Too much sitting can lead to insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, both of which may up cancer risk," says Brigid M. Lynch, Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow at Alberta Health Services. "Standing for a few minutes every half hour may be enough to minimize the effects."
Don’t Top Off Your Gas Tank
Squeezing out that last drop of gas can release toxic fumes into the air, including benzene, which has been tied to leukemia, the Environmental Protection Agency says. When you fill up, stand upwind of the pump and stop when the nozzle clicks, even if it's at $29.97.
Open Wide
Poor dental hygiene can increase your risk for gingivitis, an inflammation of the gums. Over time, high levels of inflammation may increase your risk for cancer, Dr. Weiss says. Another good reason to see your dentist: She can screen you for early signs of oral cancer.
Schedule an HPV Test
If you are 30 or older, request a human papillomavirus test along with your Pap smear. HPV causes most cervical cancers; as you get older, your body is less able to clear the infection on its own. If both tests are negative, you can wait three years before checking again.
Create a Virtual Medical Log
Create a detailed diagram of your relatives' health history by clicking on the Family Health Portrait Web tool at Upload it to the free Microsoft HealthVault, then email the link to loved ones.
Find Dr. Nice
A rude doc can mean poorer health for you. To provide the best care, "physicians need to have good social skills, because medicine is all about teamwork," says Johns Hopkins University Civility Project cofounder P.M. Forni, Ph.D. If yours doesn't measure up, make a switch.
[BEN: The best doctor I had was a mean ole bastard.  He didn't take my excuses, he made me feel what I was doing to my body and when he was nice to me, it was only when I toed the line.  I'm still going to him. I'm not so sure I agree with this "touchy-feely" point...]
Test Your Home
Exposure to radon is the second-leading cause of lung cancer in the United States after smoking. The odorless gas can seep through cracks in your home from the surrounding soil. Ensure your space is safe by using a home-testing kit, available at hardware stores.
Do a Vitamin Check
Vitamin D appears to help breast cells grow normally, Dr. Weiss says. Ask your M.D. for a blood test. If levels are low, she may recommend dietary changes and a supplement to help you get the suggested 600 IU daily. (Don't tan to up your dose: It can cause cancer!) [BEN: Sitting behind a window, in full sun, will not tan you--windows block UV light--but you'll still get your Vitamin D dose.  Why are all these "helpful recommendations" pushing pills and doctors instead of natural sources?]

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