Thursday, February 23, 2012

10 Daily Gut Busters

10 Daily Gut Busters
By Julie Stewart  (Men's Health)

Don't let "lose my spare tire" find its way onto your list of failed resolutions this year. It doesn't have to be a struggle! With just a few simple changes to your daily routine, you can fire up your metabolism and say goodbye to fat forever. Make these strategies a way of life, and you'll find your six-pack in no time.

1. Eat eggs for breakfast

A study in Nutrition Research found that people who egg it up consume fewer total calories the rest of the day. [Ben: Grapefruit and an egg for breakfast is an ideal start for the day.  (This from the man who disdains breakfast.) When I'm on that regimen, my body naturally keeps the weight off with little other effort.]

2. Stand up

Stand up whenever you read or take a phone call at work. (You can also use a stand-up desk.) Standing burns 1 1/2 times more calories than sitting does. [Ben: When you've lost a bit in your hindquarters, sitting for long periods of time is downright uncomfortable.  Trust me.  :(  Take a moment to stand.  Walk around. Walk to your colleague's office instead of calling or IMing them.]

3. Don't eat meals in front of the TV

In a University of Massachusetts study, people who did that took in nearly 300 more calories a day.  [Ben: Make a rule that you never eat when the TV is on.  That means pop-corn for a movie is right out...]

4. Weigh yourself each week

Three out of four successful dieters do this, the American College of Sports Medicine Health & Fitness Journal reports. [Ben: Daily can be a bit of a downer if you're seeing the minor upticks.  Weekly is nice if you're not on a focused diet plan.]

5. Have an apple

At lunch, have an apple instead of apple juice. Chewing triggers satiety, so you'll likely consume nearly 15 percent fewer calories, notes the journal Appetite. [Ben: Oh yes, chewing definitely triggers satiety... *sigh*  Here's one: eat the core. Don't eat the seeds, but eat the core.  It's tougher, less sweet, full of fiber and takes more energy to digest than the soft "meat" of the apple. It also helps clean out your intestines as it travels through you.]

6. Mix a shake

Consuming 55 grams of whey protein a day for 23 weeks can leave you 4 pounds lighter than if you'd eaten those calories in carbs, USDA scientists say. [Ben: Consider a Vitamix and make yourself some ultra-yummy smoothies and soups.]

7. Put produce at eye level

You're 2.7 times more likely to eat healthy food if it's in your line of sight, say scientists at Cornell University. [Ben: Remove junk from your fridge.  Put it in a bag, give it to a food-bank or to the homeless guy you pass every morning, or to your neighbors.  Sure, it's crap and it's bad for you--but it's better than having *nothing* and it's less wasteful than tossing it in the trash.]

8. Clean the house

People with the most spic-and-span abodes have the highest levels of physical activity, research from Indiana University reveals. [Ben: Clean the house, mow the lawn, walk to the park, park your car in the furthest spot in the grocery/Target/Wal-Mart parking lot, walk up and down the stairs in your home a few extra times, wrestle with your kids, play fetch with the dog-- BE  MORE  ACTIVE.]

9. Add chickpeas to soup

Toss a half cup of chickpeas into your next pot of winter soup. You'll tack 6 more grams of flab-fighting fiber onto your bottom line. [Ben: This may only work for certain body types. Chickpeas are grains and some bodies don't do well with grains. You may actually add unwanted weight in this way.]

10. Drink skim milk

Got milk? Drinking 2 1/2 cups of skim milk in the a.m. instead of the calorie equivalent in juice can lower calorie consumption by 8.5 percent, says an Australian study.
[Ben: I'd say "skip the milk and eat a stalk of broccoli".  Your body can only absorb about 10% of the calcium that is in milk.  The rest is fat and empty calories.  However, your body can absorb 100% of the calcium in broccoli. Remember that cows' milk is best for *cows* -- not humans. If you must have milk, then drink goats' milk--at least you can absorb 25-30% of the calcium in that.]

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