Sunday, February 26, 2012

Another Post You Might Wanna Skip...

Today has been an intersting day in my digestion.  It's day 6 of my 3rd fast.  I haven't had solid food in six days. I've had a bowel movement every day this week. It's been less and less each day--but every day.

Tonight, however, things were a little different.  I felt a need to visit the toilet and from the signals my body was giving me, I expected liquid.  I was surprised that I needed to push and it was pieces of solid matter--followed by liquid.  The odor wasn't bad. 

An hour later, I felt the urge again.  This was like greasy liquid--and smelled of rancid meat. 

Coupled with an observation my wife made today, I'm wondering if my body has cleansed.

I woke up this morning with a lot of energy. i spent 6 hours completely cleaning out my closet, the alcove my closet sits in and my dresser.  I cleaned out a bunch of clothes that we're donating to charity, reorganized my clothing and prepared my work clothes for Monday. I had been storing a lot of stuff for my shows in that alcove, and all that is now organized. My wife was marveling at my energy levels.

I didn't feel like eating when I was done at about 3:30pm.  So, I went to the RecPlex.  I sat in the sauna for 30 minutes, cooldown for 5, hot-tub for 10, cooldown for another 5, then back into the sauna for 15 minutes.  From there I went shopping for produce (we were out of everything) at Costco.  Then I went to Wal-Mart to pick up some items. 

When I got home, the kids helped me unload and put away the groceries.  Then I proceeded to make my dinner.  My daughter had requested that I make juice for her, too.  I decided to make juice for everyone.  I juiced a *lot*. It was a very tasty juice.

The observation that my wife made was twofold.  Firstly, that I had a lot of energy. Secondly, that when you are through with detox, you start to display a lot of energy. 

Through with detox...

...and solid waste pushing through that smells of rancid meat...

Possibly connected details.

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