Friday, March 30, 2012

Fast 4, Day 5/40 Friday

Weight: 212.6


Lunch: One can (11.8oz) Spicy V8

RecPlex Activity:
Treadmill: 1 mile at 3.7mph
Walking track: 5 laps
Suana: 25 mins / 10 mins cooldown / 15 mins

3 Granny Smith apples
1 Red Delicious apple
1 pear
2 bunches of green grapes (+stems)
2 bunches of globe grapes (+stems, +seeds)
1  cup cabbage
1 cup romaine lettuce
4 tiny grape tomatoes (all we had left)
2 cups strawberries
1/2 cup blackberries
1/2 cup blueberries
2 lemons
1 palm-sized ginger root

Juice made was about 50oz.  I drank all of it. 

50oz at work
40oz lemon water while working out and at home

I have a pedometer for an activity at the office, now.  I walked 5949 steps yesterday.  I've heard that 2000 is a mile, so nearly 3 miles of walking (including the treadmill) yesterday.

I don't take the elevators anymore at all.  I walk the stairs.  It's amazing that one flight of stairs is no different to me now than walking at on level ground.  Two flights starts to impact me, still--not breathless or winded, just that I can feel it working my muscles.

All my work so far has been on my legs, which really aren't in need of work.  I need to work my abdomen and my upper body.  My legs are powerful and muscular.  (Hefting all my bulk around for so long...)  Still, the 3.7mph walking definitely has an impact.  My calves and thighs are sore.  My shins are tight. 

I've been researching various activities to do and it seems that the "natural movements" are really where I need to focus.  As I become more comfortable with each of them, I can add weight to impact the workout more--dumb-bells and kettle-bells seem to be most appropriate.  Some of the exercises look a little dorky (*sigh*) but I need to push past my self-conscious nature and just do them. 

I didn't have a big drop today, but I wonder if that's water retention and high fruit content in my juice (not to mention just a higher content of juice).  I've also noticed that sometimes the fruits and combinations that I make sometimes makes me retain more water and after a few days that comes off. 

The sauna is still making me sweat profusely.  I drink plenty of liquid while I'm in there and after I get out. 

Walking on the treadmill nudged my heartrate up to 148bpm.  When I left the sauna the first time for my cooldown, I was at 156bpm.  Usually I don't top 140 in the sauna, so the walking definitely impacted my heart.  I believe it impacted my heart in a *good* way, though. :)

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