Monday, March 5, 2012

Avoiding Sickness

Friday I was fighting off a sore-throat.  I went to the sauna Friday evening and that did wonders at relieving my symptoms. 

Saturday morning, however, I awoke with a very sore throat.  First off, I ate a large garlic clove (raw).  (I actually bit it into three chunks and swallowed the chunks whole.)  I drank lemon water, as well.  Within 2 hours, all my symptoms were gone and I didn't have any soreness in my throat at all.

Sunday I had a little soreness, but the lemon water went a long way to alleviating my illness.

Saturday night, I had a lot of problems with diarrhea.  I awoke 4-5 times in the night and had to cleanse my system.  I may very well have been struggling with a couple different things that have been going around--but it was all dealt with quckly and in much less time than others have been affected.  I attribute this to both my highly nutritious plant-based diet and the sauna (which raises my body temperature and produces an "artificial fever").

I'm looking forward to juicing tonight, again.  I feel very bloated.  Still full of food from yesterday and it's not entirely pleasant.

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