Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thursday, Day 11

Weight: 222.4
(I have lost exactly 10lbs as of today—an average of 1lbs per day)

Last night was harder than normal.  I think because I had solid food on Wednesday, my body craved more. It didn’t help that the kids had left a jar of cashew butter on the end table by my spot on the couch.  I went down to watch a movie and there was temptation, sitting quietly beside me…

It was hard.  I had some encouragement from my wife and kids, though.  Oh, I could’ve easily overridden it. However, their continual and gentle reminders of how important it is to continue turned out to be a strong support for my willpower. 

Last night’s dinner consisted of a juice including: 3 apples, 1 orange, 3 stalks of celery, a yellow pepper, a cup of carrots (bite sized), a big handful (about 2 cups) of spinach, and a cup of grapes.  I forgot to put in the ginger (and it was sorely missed). 

Yesterday’s lunch consisted of two 12oz cans of V8.

I’m formulating my next time to depart from my regimen. January 27th. I’m going out of town with my daughter and her friends to see a comedy performance. I expect that I’ll have dinner with them before the show. It’s in Effingham, IL.  I know there is a Ryan’s buffet there and they have a large salad buffet.  I’m seriously thinking that is where I shall go.  I’m debating whether or not to have a little chicken. 

I’m also considering the possibility of having some stir fry at Huhot this weekend. I’ll be out of town and my compatriots are interested in eating at Huhot.  Huhot has a large selection of vegetables and some ginger, garlic and sesame oils that can provide the spices that make it tasty without getting all the sugar and carbs in their flavorings.  I’m still on the fence about this.  It depends on a lot of factors.  I’m taking my juicer because I’ll definitely juice at least one night.  I’m also taking V8 so that I can have a quick, easy lunch each day.

The solid food I had on Wednesday at lunch processed through my system on Thursday evening.  It was solid and firm, leaving normal residue that needed to be wiped away.  I’ve stopped having the “never trust a fart” feelings.  I don’t have liquid stool anymore. Before I passed the solid food, I had a small, solid piece that was passed the day before.  (I think I already mentioned it.)

Just for explanation, processing food, digestive health and bowel movements are all part and parcel of the health of the body. Talking about it is slightly embarrassing and may be gross to the reader, but it helps to understand the health of the internals. 

Other things that I’ve noticed include a skin condition I’ve had on my nose that causes flaking skin that peels away leaving angry red flesh underneath. It’s embarrassing to me because it’s so obvious and it looks bad when there are both flaky skin or red, angry flesh.  It had been going on for several months.  I’d noticed a few days into the fast that it seemed to be better, but I wasn’t sure.  Now, I’m pretty sure it’s getting a lot better.  I had a little flaky skin yesterday, but it wasn’t so red and angry underneath when it came off.  And today, I can feel there is a little dry skin, but it’s not flaky and doesn’t look as bad. 

This is a  good sign that my body is starting to heal itself.

I've been doing some research about aspartame and sorbitol (equal / nutrasweet and splenda). Some sites say it takes 6 - 18 months to flush it from the system--but they all reference "symptoms".  I've never had any "symptoms"--regardless of my high consumption. I'm not sure how to interpret that.  Since I have no symptoms, how do I determine when I've truly flushed it from my system?  Most of the people I've seen posting about their withdrawals are describing caffeine withdrawal (which you go through when you stop drinking as much soda, which is full of caffeine).

Becky commented today that if I get a haircut and trim my beard, the physical changes in my efforts will be more obvious.  I agree.  But it's cold!  LOL  And since I've lost 10lbs, I'm more aware of how cold it is!

Goal: 180lbs  --  42.4lbs to go

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