Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Taking Half Vacation Day to Garden

Weight: 211.2

I had two "meals" yesterday--first one at about 5:30pm, second one at about 9:00pm. 

My first meal was chicken breasts, browned in olive and coconut oil. I added spices, a chopped red bell pepper, a can of diced tomatoes and chilis, some sorrano and jalepeno peppers diced up and some asparagus. 

I also cooked up a really tasty "dessert" dish.

Six apples, cored and sliced thinly.
Two kiwi, skinned and sliced. 
Juiced a bunch of grapes, 1 lemon and 1 orange and then poured the juice over the sliced apples and kiwi.
Smeared cashew butter over the mixture.
Liberally sprinkled nutmeg and cinnamon.
Added coconut butter, coconut manna and coconut oil, even a little drizzle of olive oil.
Over the top, I layered the pulp from the juiced grapes / orange / lemon.
Baked it in the oven for 10 minutes at 425.
Took it out, stirred it up.
Added a tablespoon of coconut flour to the juice when I put it in the second time.
Baked it again for 10 more minutes.

It was not quite what I was expecting. Certainly not "sweet" like I remember confections and desserts in the past--but it was good, and very filling with all the fats (plus the protein content).

I bought a small tiller yesterday from someone who lived on the other side of the city, so it was an hour there, and an hour back home. No time to sauna.

When I got home, my daughter browned a couple chicken breasts for me and I ate a bunch (half a jar) of cashew butter.

I was expecting to have gained weight this morning.  Nope.  Down .6lbs. 

My new supplements arrived yesterday and I started my regimen.  Only thing I've noticed so far is that I didn't seem to need as much sleep last night--and my dreams were very vivid.  Not sure if that's a normal reaction or if it's just a coincidence. 

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