Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Preparing for Another Juice-Fast

Weight: 216.8

I wrote this in an email to a friend today and thought it fit with a post for my health blog:

I managed to be "okay" over the weekend.  I did have corn-on-the-cob and managed a sip of sweetened lemonade (thought it was water).  However, the last two days, I've made a fruit smoothie that has upticked my weight by a couple pounds.  I know it'll come off over the next few days, but I was bad. ;)

Every day is a new day.  Every meal is a new choice.  I used to look at it and say, "Well, I was bad, so I might as well be worse today."  And I'd say, "I'll start on Monday, so I'll clean out the fridge all weekend long (into my belly)..."

I had to change my thinking.  I had to look at each and every meal as a new choice and a new step.  It helped me to think of it in that way.

Robb Wolf's book ("The Paleo Solution Diet") is very good in that it explains that it's your hormones that cause your body to crave, to signal hunger, to signal rest, etc.  When you're overweight and eating the wrong diet, your hormones get out of whack and mix up the signals.  It takes awhile to get the signals working right again--and then it takes awhile to clear up the traffic jam. ;)

I take more supplements than Robb recommends--and I also use other sources of information that I believe complement the paleo lifestyle.  I'm about to go back to juice-fasting for 10 days again.  I've been eating paleo for 19 days now.  It's time for me to switch over to juicing for 10 days.  :)  Then I'll be back to paleo again. 

My biggest difficulty is portion control.  Last night, for instance, I ate two hamburgers (about 6oz each) a big portion of stir-fried vegetables (with some hamburger in it), some steamed brussel sprouts, broccoli, onions and cabbage then followed it with a fruit-smoothie. Then I had *another* small bowl of stir-fry.  I wasn't hungry.  I just really liked the flavor. 

I ate more because it tasted good than anything else.  Truth be told, I probably could've been completely satisfied with half a burger, a smaller portion of stir fry and 1/4 of the fruit smoothie that I drank. 

*shrug* Today is a new day. :) Today I make different choices.

In the next week or so, I'll start a major walking regimen for an office competition, so I'll be getting more exercise.

And I'm going to work in my garden in the next few days (possibly tonight, possibly Friday--depends on rain) and that always makes me work my muscles, sweat and get closer to the foods that will sustain me through the fall and winter.  :)

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