Friday, May 11, 2012

Water-Only Fasting: Day 5

Weight: 208.0

I drank over a gallon of water yesterday--that's 8.5lbs of water. Lost all that plus 1.4lbs.

Because I'm drinking Natural Calm at the full dose, the magnesium makes me very regular. So regular, in fact, that I have no question that my intestines are completely empty. What is it that I'm eliminating, then? It's more than just liquid, There is solid residue mixed in.  Is it scraping bile off the inside of my intestinal walls?  Can the little bits of pulp and lemon seeds really produce that much residue?  Is burning my body fat producing some solid residue that was stored with the fat? 

I'm anticipating eating BBQ tomorrow (well, "fire-grilled beef" -- I won't have the BBQ sauce).  I forgot that I am going to a friend's college graduation party. Better to eat something good and healthy--like a grass-fed BBQ steak--than to be tempted beyond resistance capability and wind up going hog-wild. On the other hand, maybe just exercise phenomenal willpower and "soldier on". 

If I'm paying $40 in gas to get there and back, I might as well enjoy the trip and have a good meal. :)

Then I'm back to fasting again.  I really want to break the 200 barrier. The closest I've been is 204.

Interestingly, when I got married 23 years ago, I was at 191.  I still want to get back to my 17 year old weight of 175.  (Actually, I want to go lower--to 170, so that when I start eating again, I come back to about 180.)

Sauna last night:
30 mins sauna
10 mins cooldown
10 mins hottub
5 mins cooldown
15 mins sauna

Stress levels are high. Remodeling the house--which is in complete disarray. Summer activities are starting while school activities are winding down. And last night my friend helping me with the remodel showed up at midnight (our kids were watching his daughter, so I stayed up to wait for him) and was distraught because a friend of his had died. We stayed up talking a bit.  Then my oldest got up (she'd gone to bed really early) and we talked till 2am. I got up at 6:30.  Not enough sleep. No where close.

I'm stressed.  I'm not sleeping enough.  I'm ravenous because my body is full of cortizol.  At least the water helps to flush it out...

Going up to check on the garden again on Sunday.  This is what it looked like on Saturday.
They're coming up! :)

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