Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fasting: Water-Only, Day 3

Weight: 210.8

Water: 128oz (+/-) with 3 lemons squeezed into it (three bottles at home, plus one at work without lemon).

Sauna: 30/10/15 (30 sauna, 10 cooldown, 15 sauna)

I am still continually amazed at my body's ability to absorb and flush water. I drank nearly 6.5lbs of water on both Monday and Tuesday. I experienced a net loss of 5lbs between Monday and Tuesday and 2.2lbs between Tuesday and Wednesday.  That's 7.2lbs of water in two days.  However, when you add to it that I also drank at least 13lbs of water (6.5lbs each day) then the weight loss is really remarkable.  That's over 20lbs of water in and out of my system in two days.

Yes, I am peeing a little more, though my frequency is much less than when I was experiencing diabetic symptoms. And the Natural Calm that I put into one bottle each day is loosening my stool (I've had several bowel movements that are obviously due to the Natural Calm--I can tell based on texture.)

My intent is to stay on my water-only fast until the evening of May 18th. After that, I will return to paleo eating style through at least Memorial Day.  I'm undecided how I will proceed after that--though I'm considering another water-only fast between May 29 and June 15. That would be my longest water-only fast and another step working me toward a 30 day water-only fast. 

I feel incredible. My muscles continue to become more visible in my arms, shoulders and especially my legs.  I still have my spare tire, but instead of it being firm, it's loosening up--which indicates to me that my body is starting to tap into it. I'm still not doing any specific exercising of targeted muscle groups. I'm just increasing my activity levels slightly as the days progress.  The gardening has been my biggest effort so far--and it was, indeed, a big effort!

My sleep has been intense. Lots of interesting dreams. Sleeping very soundly and still. My snoring is nearly non-existant. I don't suffer from sleep apnea anymore. Today I awoke 30 minutes before my alarm went off.  I lay there and dozed, enjoying the relaxation of just lying in bed with no pressure or demands on me. Even though I'm short on the number of hours I should be sleeping, I'm much more rested than I have been in a long time.

Fasting significantly improves my sleep. I sleep much more soundly and more deeply when my body is not processing food. 

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