Thursday, May 10, 2012

Water-Only Fasting: Day 4

Weight: 209.4

Last night was really difficult. I'd been slightly struggling all day with some minor interest in food. Not enough to really call it "temptation" -- but enough to call it "interest".  It came and went, sometimes easily ignored, sometimes requiring a little more distraction. Then we went to a movie and came home to find that my kids had completely ignored their younger brothers and let them tear up the house. That sent my stress levels through the roof--I must've flooded my body with cortizol.  I was ravenous and could not stop thinking about food.

I didn't succomb, however. I was also exhausted, so I just went to bed.  Best thing I could've done.

Because of the movie, I didn't make it to the sauna last night.  I still managed a 1.4lbs drop yesterday.  Again, I'm convinced this is still water loss.  Although, it's hard to imagine me losing that much water, considering I drank *over a gallon* of water yesterday.

Yes, I drank 4 - 32oz bottles of water, plus a little more here and there. That's 128+ oz of water. Nearly 8.5 lbs of water. And I still lost 1.4lbs. I didn't pee all that frequently (from the mindset of a former diabetic)--but I peed *a lot* of volume.

The Natural Calm continues to clean out my intestines, even though it feels like there's nothing left in them. 

I may need to run up and check out my garden tonight. We havn't had rain in a few days, but the ground was still soaked on Tuesday, so it may still be moist.  If so, then I'll wait till Saturday.  I want to water my new plants and get some weeding done.  There's a big patch of what can only be called "lawn" that has cropped up (pardon the pun) in the midst of the garden. Interestingly, I think it might be wheat.  I'm tempted to let some of it come up and harvest it with my garden.  Although I'm not a grain eater anymore, I have friends who are and they might appreciate some fresh-grown, fresh ground wheat.

I'm also considering planting some Einkorn wheat.  It's an ancient grain.  It's still really bad as far as the nastiness that grain does to people's intestines and increasing their chances of serious diseases--but it's "better" than anything the modern world has to offer.

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