Weight: 215.8
Lunch yesterday:
1 can (11.8oz) Spicy V8
27 mins sauna
10 mins cooldown
10 mins hot-tub
10 mins cooldown
15 mins sauna
I got a little dizzy and light headed in my first set. I didn't have my bottle of lemon-water with me like I normally do. Heart rate pushed past 140 bpm. It didn't get down below 100 until after my first full 10 minutes of cool down. It was up at 140 bpm again from the hot-tub and then back to about 100 before I went back into the sauna. I was *worn out* by the end of it. Taking a couple weeks off had more effect on me than I realized.
1 bottle (20oz) of lemon-water while driving with my daughter, between sauna and making juice for dinner.
Dinner Juice: (32oz)
2 cups kale
1 cup broccoli stems
1 cups baby carrots
1 large green (belle) pepper
1/2 cup green beans
1 stalk celery
1/2 large cucumber
1 medium tomato
1 largish ginger root segment (bigger than two thumbs)
1 large grapefruit
1 red delicious apple
Dessert juice: (32oz)
1 cup strawberries
1 red delicious apple
2 granny smith apples
1/4 cup (if that--kids got into them) blueberries
1 pear
1 largisth ginger root segment (bigger than one thumb)
1 cup baby carrots
1 large bunch black grapes (+ stems)
1 large bunch globe grapes (+ seeds, + stems)
1 nectarine
2 plums
I was actually quite full after drinking only about half of my dinner juice. It was very "veggie" tasting and with the grapefruit in it, was also bitter. I was hungry-ish when I started. However, the bottle of lemon-water had slaked my thirst and relieved any hunger pangs I had been feeling, so I wasn't really all that hungry. I drank the rest of it and then enjoyed my "dessert" fruit juice.
I had a large bowel movement this morning. I peed a lot last night and when I woke up this morning. The 2lbs of weight is all water and processed food leaving my system. I anticipate no actual fat loss (or very minimal).
How do I feel? I've been analyzing myself over this journey and have come to some interesting conclusions...
Firstly, I feel much better when I'm eating less. When I have less volume in my system, I feel amazing. My appetite craves things, but my body actually doesn't like being "full" all the time. I prefer going long periods of time between meals because I feel so much better. I've come to appreciate the "empty" feeling when there's nothing in my system at all. I feel lithe, fit, trim (all the things my mind tells me that I'm *not*--but I *feel* like I am!).
Secondly, I'm much more alert when I'm not eating as much. I really think there is something to the reports that the energy required to digest food takes energy away from the other systems of the body. I'm more aware of my surroundings, more cognizant of what's happening around me and what people are saying. I recall memories better and faster.
Thirdly, skin conditions are clearing up. I've mentioned before that I had a "rash" of sorts on my nose, at the "crack" on the side of the nose where the nostril flairs open and up the side of the nose almost to the bridge. For months this has been a problem. My skin would dry and crack, flaking off. I'd pull it off and underneath would be angry, red, irritated skin. I tried lotions to no avail. It wasn't dry skin, it was something else. Almost as soon as I went on my first fast, I noticed it getting better. However, it wasn't until I'd been off my juice for nearly a month that I noticed that it was starting to come back. After only one day of juicing, however, it's already gone again. More anecdotal evidence that the juicing is providing the body the vitamins and minerals it needs to heal without taking away the energy to digest the food.
Additionally, I am sleeping *so* much better! When I was on "death food" (the normal American diet) I slept very poorly. Waking up many times in the night, sleep apnea, snoring loudly, waking to pee frequently. Then I went on the juice and discovered what sleep is really supposed to be like! Even coming off the juice and eating paleo for over a month (with a juice fast in the middle) I can tell a significant difference between juicing and paleo eating. I strongly encourage the paleo diet--but I'm also discovering the signficant differences in sleep quality when juice-fasting. I sleep much better on juice than I do on paleo. And I sleep much better on paleo than I do on "death food".
I brought my boxes of Splenda that I'd purchased months ago to the office. I can't stomach the idea of throwing it away--and although I face an ethical dilemma of providing it to others, I realize that *not* providing it to them will not stop them from using it. And I hate wasting things... *sigh*
Today is Day 2 of 40 days. On Sunday, I begin a subset--Day 1 of 30 days of water-only fasting.
Oh, one other thing to mention. I have a tight muscle situation. It is exacerbated by how I rest my arm when I drive. It tightens the muscle from my sternum, across my upper left chest, around my shoulder and to my backbone, right between the shoulder-blade and the backbone. It aches. It hurts. It sends shooting pains sometimes. For a long time, I was concerned it was indicative of a heart condition--pain in the upper left chest and all that.
Juicing seems to alleviate the pain. The muscles relax and heal. Going on food again has brought the pain back.
It's hard for me to believe that it's food related. Is it how deeply and relaxing the sleep is that I'm getting that allows the muscles to relax better? I don't know. But, I find it odd that within a couple days of being back on food, I was aching and hurting again, and after only one day back on juice, the pain is nearly gone and fading quickly.
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