Weight: 219.0
Yesterday I had a 1/2 a chicken (roasted) and some steamed broccoli for lunch. For dinner, I had two chicken breasts and 4 eggs with some onions and tomatoes. I also had 2 oranges and two apples--and dipped my apples in almond butter. I expected to have put on weight. However, I dropped by .2lbs. I also have a lot of my dinner still in my system. I can feel it churning around in my stomach...
I need to learn not to eat within 4 hours of going to bed or else I wake up with sulphur burps and feeling nauseous. Here it is lunchtime, about to go to the Taj Palace Indian Buffet and I can still feel last night's dinner churning in my stomach...
The sauna didn't work out last night. I worked late and didn't get home till after 7pm. I had a pre-arranged meeting with my co-writers on my writing project scheduled at 8pm, so I didn't have time. I made dinner and got on my conference call.
I'm really looking forward to juicing again.
I've also decided that I'm going to juice from February 20th through to March 15th. I might stumble the weekend of March 9-11 because I'm going out of town with the family and maintaining my juicing schedule may be difficult. However, I've also considered just fasting (no food at all) for those days.
I'll go on solid food again on March 19th through the 25th and then I'm tempted to try the longest juice-fast yet... March 26 - May 4. That's six solid weeks. I know I *can* do it. The question is really more "Do I *want* to do it?"
I saw a few things posted online about people having "fasting partners" that help each other and encourage each other on the journey. I've walked this path already and I'm planning to walk it again. Does anyone want or need an experienced fasting partner? :)
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