Weight: 215.4 -- unchanged
Yesterday I sat in the sauna for 20 minutes and in the hot tub for 10. I didn't lose any weight. I've had a few comments in email about the weight loss benefits of sauna and I also lean toward the idea that it is *not* the "miracle diet plan". There is no "magic bullet" for weight loss. It is more than calories in / calories burned. But it is not so simple as "sit in a hot room for 20 minutes a day and metabolize fat".
Certainly, however, that can be a factor. Just as water consumption (water metabolizes fat) can be a factor. And low calorie, low fat foods can be a factor. And exercise can be a factor. And *attitude* can be a factor. More and more I'm coming to a conclusion -- or, perhaps, that's the wrong way to describe it, more and more I'm bolstering the conclusion that I already knew, that's better -- that it is not a specific diet plan, it is not a specific activity, it is not a specific food, a specific exercise, a specific methodology. It is a *lifestyle*.
Some factors that I am adding to my *lifestyle* include:
1) Attitude. A good attitude about what I'm doing and my life in general. I'm getting more healthy. I'm losing weight. I have a great family life. I enjoy my children. I adore my wife. I have awesome friends. I have a successful business life.
2) Diet. Shifting my diet into a plant-based focus. This does *not* mean "vegetarian" or "vegan". In fact, I consider those lifestyles to be just as much a "fad" as "the grapefruit diet" or "juice only will cure all your ills". What it means is that I'm shifting into getting plant-based foods, as much raw as I can, but cooking them is not "destroying" their food value as other fad diets may claim. It also means some animal protein. Mostly poultry and fish (not "seafood"--FISH), with the occasional foray into *grass-fed* beef or buffalo. I'm still reticent to pull pork into my diet. My reasons are varied. Everything from "most religious diets reject pork" to "it's a forager animal that is basically a walking garbage pit" -- much of the same reasons why I avoid eating catfish.
3) Exercise. This is my bane and something I need to improve upon. Because it requires time and is so mind-numbingly boring, I avoid it. Interestingly, I actually enjoy the way it makes me feel and if I have someone I can talk to with me while I'm doing it, it's much less mind-numbingly boring. But there is still that other problem--time. It would be awesome if I could get my exercise in while watching Netflix. Hmm... That gives me an idea... ;)
4) Sauna. Yes, this is still a major factor. I enjoy it. I feel great while doing it. It heats up my body and takes the "bone chill" away. Even if my skin gets cool afterwards, it feels like my bones are warm. It tires me out and relaxes me. Sweating actually feels good. I plan to continue it.
What I've embarked upon is not a short-term diet. It is not a "shock the system" methodology. I'm changing my lifestyle. It's something I should've done when I was in my 20s. Why didn't I? Everything from "fear of success" to "pride" to "naivete".
Last night I shaved my neck and looked at myself in the mirror. My face, neck, shoulders are thinner. I look years younger. I look more like I imagine myself looking in my "mental self-image". I still have a gut. I still have enough of a roll of fat on my belly to grab and jab my Byetta--but it's smaller. I think I'm too old to ever have a "tight butt" (LOL) but my buns are smaller. My belt is already at the last hole and at the next KC gun show, I'll take it back to the leather worker who made it and ask him to punch three more holes in it.
When I sleep at night, I *sleep*. I wake up tired, but within 30 seconds to a minute I'm wide-awake and alert--whereas I've showered, dressed, driven to work and sipped my coffee to become as wide-awake and alert as I am 30 - 60 seconds after waking, now.
It's interesting that getting my health back in order has encouraged me to get other areas of my life in order. I'm scheduling time with my daughter for us to clean out the garage together. That makes room for a staging area to put furniture and household items so we can rip up the carpeting and put in tile and laminate flooring--which will make Becky happy and help eliminate places where mold can take hold in the house (like damp carpeting).
Let me reiterate: this is not a short-term, fad diet. This is my new life. This is the new Ben. Get used to him, he's a different creature than he was before. ;)
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