Saturday, February 25, 2012

Fast 3, Day 6, Saturday, February 25, 2012

Weight: 210.4

Last night for dinner, I decided to take some pictures of my juicing efforts.  Here they are:

This is what I juiced: I was low on apples last night, and used up the remainder of our viable fruit. 

After juicing, I boiled the remains in a pot to render a stock.  It's going to be sweet, so I'm not sure exactly what kind of use I'll have for it.  Still working that out.

Here's the remains:

This is the juice I got out of it:

Each of those bottles is 32oz.

Here is the juice that was rendered from the grindings, including some eggshells and other remains of veggies that weren't really suitable for making into a juice.

I included the peels of the lemons, oranges, grapefruit and all the chunks that weren't juiceable.

So, what do I make from the juice rendered from the leavings?


  1. Ben,
    I built a compost pile and I dump mine. The hopes are that I will put in a small garden and the compost will enrich the soil. Time will tell. One thing is for sure, with grocery prices going up I will need to learn to garden some day soon.

  2. Dan,
    That's a really good idea--and something I'm planning to do myself. My problem is that my postage-stamp backyard is not well-suited for gardening.

    As for the grocery bills: I've noticed about a $50 per week increase in my produce spending--but a correlating decline in eating out, meat purchase, and no snacky foods (chips, soda, etc.) For me, the difference is actually a positive gain.

