Monday, April 15, 2013

Tough Weekend

I knew the weekend would be tough. And it was. Habits needed to be broken. The first 3 weeks is usually devoted to breaking habits. Like the first 3 days of a fast, the first 3 weeks of habits are tough sometimes. Once a new pattern is established -- which takes about 3 weeks -- it is easier to follow the new pattern.

However, I managed to stay on my juice-fast, though I included a lot more fruits in my juices this weekend and I know the carbs pulled me back out of ketsosis.

I also supplemented with Spicy V8 on Saturday -- and wow! did that ever have an effect on my digestive tract! 

Sunday I experimented with making an "only veggie" drink -- and it was really hard to choke down.  I ended up spicing it up considerably to make it a little more tolerable (kinda like a cold soup). 

As usual, when I'm not eating, my creative desire to cook interesting dishes goes on the rise and I have half a dozen different recipes I want to try next week. 

I'm juice-fasting through April 17th.  Not sure exactly when I'll end it. Might be the 17th.  Might be later.  I have a busy weekend planned and there is still that part of me that wants to make the remainder of the month of April a juice fast. It's really easy to see the changes in your body and say, "I can do this for ... another month!"  It's very different to sit in the family room watching a movie with the family while they're snacking and enjoying the experience and sip lemon-water...

Still, I am in the process of making life-changing behaviors and not a short-term diet.  This is for the rest of my life - that it may be longer and more healthy.

And I can't say it enough, when I'm juice fasting, I sleep *soooo* much better! :)

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