Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Ah, the Juice Fast put off...

Last night I got home and as I looked in the fridge for items to juice, I realized that there were some sad looking veggies risking demise if something was not done about it. Rather than juice, I made a stew.

I may eat stew tonight, to be sure it gets eaten up and doesn't go to waste. 

Either today or tomorrow, I'll be back to juicing.

My calendar is such that I need to be off juicing for May 17-19 due to travel (juicing while traveling is most difficult).

Although 10 days on, 10 days off was my previous normal, I wanted to do 10 days on, 4 days off so as to keep it all contained in 2 week blocks.  I've currently been on food for six days. If I were to juice today and for the next 10 days, then take only 2 days of solid food, then back to my 10 days of juice, I'd be back on my schedule again.

We shall see.  There is no pressure, just my own desire on what to do. 

I really need to sauna...  It's turned cold and without the extra padding I'm feeling it to my bones.  Oh, and it hurts to sit for very long because I've lost padding in my backside...

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