Friday, April 12, 2013

Day 5, Friday, April 12, 2013

I weighed today and compared to the weight I had on Friday of last week (three days before I started this latest effort), I've lost 6.8 lbs.  Considering I ate without any restrictions over the weekend, and now I've been on 5 days of juice fasting, that's not too bad.  :)  It's mostly water weight and the contents of my digestive tract, but I'll take it. :)

Yesterday's juice was composed of:

Kale, Celery, Tomato, Carrot, Apple, Pear, Grapes, Bell Pepper, Broccoli stems, Lemon, Ginger root.

I just threw things in and didn't really pay attention to how much of each.  However, it was too much apple and grapes, because it tasted too sweet.

This first week, I'm not being particularly strict on the content of the juices.  I'm trying to make sure that I don't stray. 

I usually drink nothing but water during the day and make my juice for my evening meal. It seems to work better for me and my body that way.

Detoxing is still happening. I've had two bowel movements this week -- the first basically cleaned out the weekend's activities and the second was "remnants".  I've had a little gas.  Nothing like when I was eating grain and beans all the time, but a couple toots here and there. 

I feel *fantastic*.  I'm sleeping better.  I have more energy.  I'm more alert and wakeful.  I have a stronger sex drive. I'm thinking more clearly.  I'm in a better mood overall.

Another thing I've noticed is that I'm *cold*!  All winter long, I slept with just a sheet, sweating through the night. We had a cold snap the last couple days and I'm an ice-cube!  Right now I'm wearing a long sleeved t-shirt and a long-sleeved button-up and I'm comfortable. in the office. Two weeks ago I would've been sweating in a long sleeve shirt with the fan on me. 

How long will this juice fast continue?  I keep telling myself I'd like to really make it into something long-term.  I've never done a juice fast for more than two weeks.  Part of me wants to finish out the month of April and maybe the first week of May to make it a 30 day fast. However, I have a challenging weekend next weekend (19-21) and keeping to my juice fast may be more difficult.

At the minimum, however, I think 10 days is my goal -- Thursday of next week (April 18) I could eat if I wanted. 

Yesterday was mildly difficult with food temptation. I had lunch with a friend and drank water while he ate Panda Express.  Then, in the evening, my wife went out to dinner with friends and came home telling me about some of what she had (Mexican).  Chinese and Mexican are two of my favorite cuisines.  I faced some mild temptations.

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