Monday, July 16, 2012

Starting Over Again

Weight: 220.2

I'm past the six month mark. I have only maintained 12 pounds off.  However, it's 12 pounds consistently throughout this six months.  Even when I was eating more than I should've and stopped completely keeping track of what I was doing. 

Now I'm starting over.

I'm starting with a fast.  For the next 3 1/2 - 4 weeks, I'll be water-only-fasting and juice-fasting.  I'm starting with a water-only fast.

Things I've noticed that I'm curious to see how they resolve...  The dry skin on the sides of the bridge of my nose is back with a vengeance.  After one day fasting, it's already better.  That's odd.

My body has spent the day "purging"--its the only thing I can think to call it.  I've had to sit on the toilet three times today.  I've peed a lot more than I've taken in. 

I'm planning to go to the RecPlex and do some swimming and sauna tonight.  I'm really curious to see how much water-weight comes off this week.  I'm predicting close to the 10lbs mark in just water weight.

I have  big trip slated for August 10 - 19.  I'm planning to hit my diet hard until then--relax a bit while I'm traveling (still keeping to the paleo lifestyle) and then back at it again on August 20th.

Encouragement would be helpful.  It means a lot to me when I am encouraged and it really helps me keep going when I know there are others who care. :)

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