Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 4, Thursday, July 19

Weight: 215.4

The water weight is pouring off.  Nothing but water (and some lemon juice, pulp and seeds) for the last couple days.  Tuesday I ended up having dinner with my step-dad and thought it impolite not to eat.  Baby-back ribs with broccoli and rice. I avoided bread.  I didn't have dessert. However, later that night I had some sliced tomatoes, canned salmon and guacamole. It was a healthy dinner, but I should've just gone to bed.  I also stayed up way too late that night.

I'm trying to get back to a proper night's sleep. I'm reading a book called "Lights Out" that talks about how important sleep is to good health and fighting obesity. If you want to lose weight, sleep--and at the right time--is more important than exercise.  It probably ties for importance with eating properly.

I can feel a difference in how I think and feel between fasting and eating.  I feel a lot better.  I think more clearly.  I'm less stressed.  I sleep better. 

But why is it that all my cool, creative ideas for making food come to me when I'm fasting! LOL

I'm really trying to crash my weight hard before my trip August 15th.  I am hitting my diet harder than usual for this reason.  I know I'm not going to have much chance to eat properly on the trip. (Not that I couldn't, but that won't want to...)  I'm planning for it to be my "cheat week".  Though I'd still like to avoid sugar.  I have a goal to go at least a year without sugar, and that means January 10, 2013 is the next time I can consume sugar.

Last night I went to the sauna and pool.  I was in the sauna for about 35 minutes (25, then pool for 10, hot tub for 5, then sauna again for 10).  I used to be able to sauna for 30 minutes, cool down for 10 and then do it again for 15 without any issues.  However, it's been awhile and those last few minutes are really hard for me, now.  I have to build up my resistance again. :)

This is the book that I recommend:

(Note that it is a direct link and there is no commercial gain for me if you decide you're interested.  I don't make money on any kind of suggestions that I make on this blog.  My interest is in freely sharing what I have learned with others--not profiting from them.)

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