Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 2 Back At It

Weight: 217.4

Lemon water with Natural Calm is all I've had to eat all day. 

Today I may have some food because we're being taken out to eat by my step-dad on my late-mom's birthday, so it's a significant event.  Not sure what to expect, but it would be very impolite not to eat something with him.

It's really much easier than I expected.  I have not felt hunger pangs.  In fact, my body is feeling ... relief?  I am already feeling much less stressed and much calmer emotionally.  I'm also experiencing a much better clarity of thought.  My dry skin on my nose is better.  Can all this come from just one day of fasting?  That seems odd. 

Still, I slept much better last night than I have in a long time.

I went to the sauna and swam in the pool last night. 

I'm reading a new book -- "Lights Out" -- chich discusses how bad light pollution is to the human hormone systems.  The fact that we stay up late, with electricity adding hours to each day's total of light tells the human hormone system that it's "summer" which sets in motion specific hormonal reactions--putting on weight for the expected famine (winter), stresses that include a high demand of the mating instinct and since we tend to work more in the summer, the body interprets it as "danger" which urges us on to even more stress. All of this works to put the body into a state of packing on pounds, specifically around the mid-section.

I've been making a point to keep my alarm clock in the bathroom and eliminating all electronic lighting in my bedroom at night. I need to work toward getting room-darkening shades installed, as well.

Last night I slept from about 10am to 7am.  I'm facing a sleep debt because of the weekend.  I'm going to make a special effort to give my body the sleep it needs.

The bottom line of the book is that your body has a specific number of waking hours that you can be alive. Period. You can burn them up by staying up late at night and prematurely aging your body--or you can sleep and extend your life.

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