Weight: 225.8
Last Few Days:
Was sick as a dog on Tuesday and Wednesday. I
started the juicing with a cold on Monday.
After work Monday night, I drank my dinner juice, was feeling really
tired and went to bed. Bad headache,
nasty cold, aching. Went to bed about
7pm. Asked for a bucket because I felt
nauseas. Woke up at 8:30 and threw
up. Woke up again throughout the night
and threw up – nothing! Oh, gotta love
those dry-heaves. Spent Tuesday and
Wednesday sick. Had more fruit-based
juices than veggie-based. Had a juice
with beat in it that I just couldn’t drink.
I think it’s still on the kitchen counter. No one will touch it. Have more difficulty with the veggie-based
juices. Don’t know why. Have been incorporating more veggies into my
fruit-based juices. That may help. Last night when it was so hard to get the veggie-juice
down, I asked my daughter to make me a fruit-based juice. That really helped.
Food Log:
As is my norm, I don’t get hungry in the mornings and it’s hard for me
to eat anything for lunch—but I managed to drink down about 16oz of last
night’s left-over dinner juicing of tomatoes, cucumber, green pepper, celery,
broccoli, brussel sprouts, onion. Very
veggie taste and smell. Hard to handle.
Also drank two 12oz cans of V8.
V8 may be considered “cheating” by some, but I’m getting veggies and fruits
with very little added and there’s nothing solid, so I’m still on a “juice
Finished first 32oz of water at 1:35pm
General Thoughts:
I’ve noticed that my pee and poo are different. The poo is not surprising at all. After all, I’m on a juice fast. I get a little pulp (one of my juices was
very pulpy) but not all that much.
However, I still have some solid waste coming out. It was “small chunks” on Tuesday, “smaller
chunks” on Wednesday and today it’s like “little pebbles”. I’m not sure if it’s the pulp or if my body
is cleaning itself out. My pee is different, too. For years, I’ve noticed that my pee doesn’t bubble anymore. I remember making bubbles and chasing them with the stream as a kid. Cutting out designs in the bubbles, etc. My pee hasn’t bubbled for years (oh, it would bubble, but they’d disappear quickly). It’s bubbling again. Also, my pee has smelled strange for years. Musky, thick—and if I drank coffee, I could smell it when I peed. Not anymore. My pee seems to have no odor anymore. And it bubbles. And the color is “right”. It has either been clear like water or dark yellow (almost orange). Now it is a proper “urine yellow”.
I’m still recovering from my cold and flu, but I have energy and I’m
more alert. I slept really well last
night. I went to bed at midnight, still
with energy. I awoke at 6:30 to my alarm, which I reset to 7:00 (normal
activity). I reset it again to 7:30—but
got up at 7:20.
I have energy and I feel alert.
I feel a little tired, like I’m recovering from the sickness, almost
like a thin coating of blah on everything I do.
I’d love to say that the world feels brighter, that colors are more
vibrant, that life seems to be returning – but I don’t feel that way. Life is life.
It’s really more like it wasn’t there before and now it is. Not that it’s more vibrant and colorful, but
that it’s actually *there*.
I’ve lost almost 7lbs in three
days. Becky says she can feel a
difference when she lays next to me—the “bloat” is gone. There’s still a long way to go and a lot of
health to recover.
Today work had a free lunch. Fajitas.
Big conference with all my colleagues.
Free fajitas. Face-time with
colleagues. FAJITAS. Free sodas.
I drank my juice.
I drank my V8.
I made a presentation.
I drank some water. I came back to my desk.
There are voices in the back of my head telling me about the free food. But, I’m full. I actually feel quite full. I don’t want to eat or drink anything else because my tummy is *full*.
Still, there are the voices of “want” in my mind. “… fajitas…”
I drank my juice.
I drank my V8.
I made a presentation.
I drank some water. I came back to my desk.
There are voices in the back of my head telling me about the free food. But, I’m full. I actually feel quite full. I don’t want to eat or drink anything else because my tummy is *full*.
Still, there are the voices of “want” in my mind. “… fajitas…”
But I see a light, in the distance, in this long, dark, twisting
tunnel. And I hear a quiet voice behind
me, louder than the one demanding meat, rice and cheese…
It’s whispering, “You can do this!”
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